ดูบทความMadison Chicoine Volunteers from America.
Madison Chicoine Volunteers from America.
Dear next volunteer,
Welcome to Camillian! If you’re like me then maybe you have a few questions about what’s going on and what you’re supposed to be doing. I was lucky to have a week with the prior volunteer to show me the ropes, however, I know that for everyone that might not be the case. Therefore I thought I’d give you a hand with the teaching side of things at least.
When I first got here I was told to teach English, but was unsure of how much the children already knew and what kinds of things I should be reviewing with them. The lack of curriculum or cohesiveness concerned me, which is why I thought we should record what kind of things we’d been working on with the kids. This is particularly important because what I’ve discovered throughout my time teaching English is that repetition is extremely important and often the real learning happens through that. So if we can keep track of what the students have been working on, then the future volunteers will have some sort of outline of what things have been already taught, what to review, and perhaps where to begin.
Another recommendation is to ask about your teaching schedule on a day by day basis. I’ve found that things are pretty spontaneous here and often the schedule changes. So ask what you’ll teach tomorrow but if you get your schedule for next week, by the time it rolls around it probably will have changed. This helps but also have a few games and activities on hand for those spontaneous times when you’re told to teach and haven’t prepped anything.
The kids and staff are really great here and I’m sure you’ll quickly get into the swing of things. Enjoy your time here and good luck!
Madison Chicoine
p.s. feel free to Facebook message me if you have any questions about anything
23 พฤษภาคม 2565
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