ดูบทความDebora Volunteer From Italy.

Debora Volunteer From Italy.


I’m Debora, I’m from Italy. I’m a guest of the Centre from November 2016 to January 2017. It was a period full of new experiences and many feelings. First, describing my experience, children are the soul of the Centre, the joyfulness. Beautiful environment, locals’ hospitality and relaxed background have contributed to make my volunteer’s time unforgettable.I’m Debora, I’m from Italy. I’m a guest of the Centre from November 2016 to January 2017. It was a period full of new experiences and many feelings. First, describing my experience, children are the soul of the Centre, the joyfulness. Beautiful environment, locals’ hospitality and relaxed background have contributed to make my volunteer’s time unforgettable.

I’m a physiotherapist and I arrived in the Centre to working with children. I think that doing therapy is essential for them due to degenerative disease that they have. There are two therapists who work all years. From the first day I was so wondered because after therapy every kid said me ‘Thank you’ with a big smile. Working with them makes my heart full. I become rich professionally and humanly, mostly.

The glow from children shepherd me every day at Centre, from morning to evening. Besides therapy, I had occasion to share happy festivity like Christmas time and their traditional moments. Children are involved in many activities from staff. Teacher also takes part of the staff, so children have lessons as a normal school.

I think that staff and managers’ Centre make something special, with love and commitment. They were ever hospitable and kind against me; I’m grateful them forever. Despite of Thai culture is different from mine, it wasn’t so difficult fitting. They were and help me when I needed.

Sometimes the language could be a hedge but we managed to understand quite well. Children speak a little English; some older kids are very good! Here, Volunteers from all over the world are guested so children can meet different culture and improve their English. Also for same Volunteers are really nice meeting each other’s and share time. I had really fun time with volunteers that I met, I was so glad.

During three months I had occasion to visit many places during free time, in Thailand there are many beautiful landscapes and cities. The same place where the Centre is located is in countryside, quiet and safe for children but not too far from cities. 
Three months were been enough to know understand and live many habits of north Thai culture. Locals’ people included me often in their parties and meetings.

I want to say to next volunteers will read my experience report that every type of volunteer is important: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, teachers, educators and others. If you have time way and desire; here at Camillian Social Centre of Chiang Rai, you will leave a piece of your heart.
I considerers me lucky for being a guerst of this place. I’m so happy for time passed. Thank for all people who I met. 


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